
Todays societies differ massively , depending on where you are in the world. The rise of social media as a prime informer of news, untruths and propaganda is affecting the world that we live in. As we struggle to find the most civilised way forward, Techopian covers the realities of life in the 21st century

  February 22, 2021

We landed on Mars, but can we fix the madness of humanity?

I sometimes wonder if mad-cow disease has mutated — causing a new type of human disease. It’s not directly fatal, but in its own way, just as scary, I’ll call it mad human disease....

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  February 17, 2021

Vaccine protectionism and how nationalism could give the pandemic a new lease of life

The WTO's new director-general warns against vaccine protectionism and she is right, it's not just about morality it's about defeating the virus....

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  February 17, 2021

The Texas deep freeze and the wind turbines lie

The deep freeze takes hold in Texas, and climate change cynics blame wind turbines, it's another example of how the climate change deniers will stop at nothing to try and bamboozle us with distortions of the truth and outright lies....

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  February 15, 2021

Apple versus Facebook the future of social media isn't Clubhouse, it's immersive reality

Apple and Facebook are clashing over privacy as Clubhouse looks on, but maybe the real battle is over immersive reality which will form the future of social media....

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  February 11, 2021

Has social media created a digital version of Frankenstein's Monster?

Social Media reflects the dark underbelly of human nature, even when posters are trying to be nice, says Rob Hughes, who proudly boasts that he strives to be the dumb one, often "quite successfully." But has social media created a monster?...

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  February 11, 2021

AI can combat child abuse and make every day Safer Internet Day

Julius Cerniauskas, CEO, Oxylabs discusses the dangers of the internet for children and how cooperation between government bodies, the private sector and the mainstream public can reduce hazards and increase security, tying into this year’s theme – “Together For A Better Internet”...

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