
Todays societies differ massively , depending on where you are in the world. The rise of social media as a prime informer of news, untruths and propaganda is affecting the world that we live in. As we struggle to find the most civilised way forward, Techopian covers the realities of life in the 21st century

  March 16, 2021

Blockchain and digital art and the non-fungible token or NFT

Blockchain is creating a new market in digital art via the non-fungible token, or NFT, but is it all its cracked up to be?...

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  March 12, 2021

Abundance approaches thanks to solar energy and cultured meat and then there’s autonomous cars

There is reason to believe an age of abundance is getting closer thanks to advances in renewable energies, including solar, a prediction that cultured meat will soon be cheaper than normal meat and autonomous cars....

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  March 09, 2021

Is synthetic consciousness nigh?

Mark Solms, a South African neuroscientist, believes that he is close to creating synthetic consciousness; if he is right, then this could be the single most extraordinary and indeed terrifying breakthrough in history....

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  March 04, 2021

Will we return to kissing and hugging and shaking hands post-Covid?

Covid hasn't changed our humanity, but the way we manage the aftermath might. Will we return to kissing and hugging and shaking hands post-Covid?...

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  March 02, 2021

The case for and against a higher minimum wage

There is talk that the minimum wage in the US will be increased to $15. What is the case for and against a higher minimum wage?...

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  February 25, 2021

The misogynist and the racist: yes, A.I. is getting a bad rap

Two recent studies give further evidence on how A.I. can draw sexist and racist results from data....

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