, February 25, 2025
March 24, 2021
Inflation is set to return with a vengeance, say inflation hawks, so far so wrong; UK inflation was just 0.4 per cent in the year to February....
March 23, 2021
Stock markets have got it back to front: they have given asset prices, including shares and bonds, huge valuations based on 20th-century logic. The reason lies with a simple piece of logic that has almost perverse implications for stock markets....
March 22, 2021
There is a global shortage of semiconductors, and there isn't single reason, but Bitcoin demand is one of them; will chip shortage be the spark that sets off inflation?...
March 18, 2021
Productivity is about to soar, economic growth will surge, but inflation won't make a hasty return, and why? Technology will create this low inflation economic boom....
March 15, 2021
What is RPA worth, can it really be valued at well over a trillion dollars?...
March 10, 2021
If the OECD is right, its optimistic scenario, it forecasts that global GDP could even return to the level it projected for next year before the pandemic struck. It says that it all depends. But here is what’s missing from the OECD narrative: technology....